Thread: EQExtractor2
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Old 06-03-2010, 02:12 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: UK
Posts: 1,540

1.6 is up with a couple of bug fixes
The zone long name should no longer be truncated at 32 characters.
Apostrophes in the zone long name are escaped, i.e. Dranik's Hollows should be Dranik\'s Hollows.
And I enabled the feature to update existing NPCs in the database, which doesn't generate new npc_types or spawn table entries, but updates existing npc_types as follows:

If selected, the following columns:

  texture, helmtexture, size, face, luclin_hairstyle, luclin_haircolor, luclin_eyecolor, luclin_eyecolor2, luclin_beardcolor,
  luclin_beard, drakkin_heritage, drakkin_tattoo, drakkin_details, armortint_red, armortint_green, armortint_blue,
  d_meele_texture1, d_meele_texture2, findable

  will be updated for existing rows in the npc_types table that meet the following criteria:

    Their ID falls within the range specified.
	The NPC is a playable race (Race <= 12 || Race == 128 || Race == 130 || Race == 330 || Race == 522)
	The NPC name is unique in the sense that only one NPC with the given first name was seen in the packet collect.
In other news

The zombie_catapults I mentioned in a previous post that were showing as humans are actually 'Destructable objects' that I think were introduced in Serpent's spine.

I can get the catapults to display properly if I hard code the same data as is in a live spawn packet (three strings and 53 bytes of as yet unidentified data).

I plan to look at the destructable objects some more at the weekend to see if I can figure out what those 53 bytes control so we can make some meaningful fields for them in
the npc_types table.

If anyone has any info on destructable objects, particuarly do some behave differently than others, do their graphics change as they get to various %s of hit points, are some immune
to melee, or spells, or certain types of spells, etc, that might possibly help identify what some of the data associated with them controls.
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