Thread: EQExtractor2
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Old 06-14-2010, 02:31 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by cavedude View Post
Ive posted the newest PEQ database up that has the output of this tool merged in. Most (but not all) of the zones supported by SoD are now spawned, with doors, objects, etc.

Also, Gaeorn wrote a tool to parse EQTrader's merchantlist data and dump it to SQL compatible with our system. I've posted the SQL output of that script on the SVN also. Beeping and warnings are normal while sourcing so pay them no mind. Overall, I've found EQTraders has very high accuracy, but I have found missing/extra items on a couple of vendors so it is not 100% perfect. Still in my mind it's a nice shortcut to fill in missing gaps so we don't have to go around to every merchant in the game when collecting Of course, backup your current merchantlist table before running this especially if you have custom merchants, as it may overwrite existing IDs.

Both can be had here:

Edit: I should mention if you are just running a stock PEQ database, then there is no need to source the merchantlists. They have already been merged with the newest database version.
Sweet, thanks Cavedude and everyone else!!! Great work!!
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