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Old 06-15-2010, 12:08 AM
Akkadius's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Windcatcher View Post
I have items mostly loading, to the point that I can get a merchant list when I right-click on a merchant NPC. I still need to fix something in the way I'm handling Spawn_Structs: something is bugged somewhere, but I don't think it will be too hard to fix. I've also fixed a ton of bugs in the client, to the point that I'm very happy with the stability.

That said, I decided to take a little detour to work on OpenZone a little bit. Why?


I still need to work on it some more and will have to update the zones, upgrade SimpleClient to support it, etc., but the hardest stuff is done.

I'd also like to add support for multitexturing, but I've wanted to get bumpmapping in for a LONG time.
This is nuts, and since you are getting back to OpenZone. I was importing some Quake 3 maps quite some time ago and trial and error told me that maps that are too big simply won't load or export. I had to use very small maps to do anything with them, is there a reason for this? Or perhaps an explanation? I have a system made for CTF and having these maps would be sweet.

Otherwise phenominal work Windcatcher, I'm sure someone wants your babies...
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