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Old 08-26-2010, 03:21 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 6

Thanks Trevius. That is exactly what the situation was. I'm using the SoD client and trying to get Nektulos switched over to the newest version. I am still unsure if the version of the zone I have is 2.0 or 3.0. In logging into live the zone appears to be the same layout so I'm assuming it's V3.0. I know Nektulos has been talked about forever on the forum and learned a lot from reading all the posts about it but decided to go ahead and make the attempt to change it over anyway. I like the look of the new zone better. I've got them all above ground now and am making good use of the #spawnfix command. hehe Then I will need to see if I can get the PoK book back into it and the zone lines fixed. In searching the forum about zonelines it appears that using the "Invisible man" proximity method is going to work best for that. I'm also going to need to figure out how to fix some of the pathing issues of some NPCs. IE. One of the main guards that spawns right outside of the Neriak zone will path back to his old spawn point for the Nektulos 1.0 Neriak zone. I know it's a lot of work but it is a GREAT learning experience for me and my limited knowledge of editing the DB.
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