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Old 08-30-2010, 03:12 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: dd
Posts: 5

9 pages of whining and why this hard drive? you could use this one etc etc. EqEmu is free ALL of it but cave dudes rogean and quite a few other developers time is not free in order to run these servers they have to take time out of their busy lives ( or maybe not so busy... but who cares) we should send them money to just pay for their time that goes into this project so that we can even play. yet, thats not what we do. Instead we make a 9 page thread of crap that i have to scan through to find any information about the server. These people arent even asking for donations for the countless days of programming that has gone into bring your peq and eqemu... they are asking for donations to help provide a server that is more stable for the players. so when shit like this happens they can get the server up and running SO YOU the player can get back to playing all that much faster. Donate for their time. Donate for the server. Or choose to play on the server for free. Whatever you decide to do stop complaining and whining.
To clear one thing up i do not know much about servers but i do know that once the new server is up and running we are going to be hosting PEQ and something else on it. The other thing will pay for peq to be hosted for free saving everyone a lot of money and allowing donations to go to better uses. Hopefully something nice for the developers.
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