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Old 09-28-2010, 03:14 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1

My friend has a AMD 64x2, with windows 7, 8 gigs of ram, 1 gig video card. Here is the issue with his system, and we can't figure it out. He can play one toon, flawless, two flawless...third box...even with eq on all MIN settings. HUGE lag. My computer is almost 8 years old and I can 5 box. I have followed every single page of this thread and the other thread about the same thing.. Tried everything, from core optimizing, compatibility modes, power options, affinities, even reinstalls.. You name it. No idea why it's lagging so bad upon the entrance of a third box. He should be able to do MUCH more on this system. Not sure what else to do. It's very frustrating.

Thanks for any help!