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Old 10-01-2010, 06:55 AM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Tennessee, USA
Posts: 77

Originally Posted by Rykeau View Post
Does anybody know if there is an "easy" way to integrate the axclassic bot schema into an existing PEQ setup?
Simple answer, no there is not. Just wondering; if you like their code better... why not use it instead all together?

There are a lot of features in the current EQEmu bot code that most people don't know about, such as the bots will auto-mezz if you add the correct spells to the spells list.

Also, if you want your cleric to heal, instead of attacking, just use the command #bot group guard (this only works if you have one bot in your group of course). <- I have submitted a custom command to WildCardX that will allow you to target a single bot to guard, but I am not sure what he's doing with the bot code as of yet. Maybe we will know soonish.
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