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Old 10-27-2010, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Caryatis View Post
If you are setting up a fresh server, then just edit the source. Considering that HoT client isn't supported at all, its not like a rush to make it so that level 90 is supported(and if/when the HoT client push comes, that will be one of the things that gets changed, although since we are only 1 level short of 90, would be easy to just alter the mod for level 90 so that it stays within the limits, as opposed to doing anything else).
Even if you are working on an existing server...

changing it so when you log in, checking the level, setting the exp to getexpforlevel(level) then storing a boolean so that you know you logged in since you updated the server (in the extended player profile (m_epp)) *then* calculating experience afterwards would be the ideal goal. It would reset some progress into the level that they had, though, but you could tweak the entire exp formula this way.
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