Thread: Bot Fixes
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Old 12-06-2010, 04:13 PM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 512

So I will most likely be resubmitting this in two parts. I am still having issues with buffs (or debuffs/dots) cast by mobs who die or when spawning the bot with buffs that were saved when camping.

I will submit all the fixes for regen, stats, etc, and continue to work on the buffs problem. The issue I've had is that I have tried to stay within only the bot.h, bot.cpp files, but with the way buff are handled, and bufftics processed, there will most likely need to be some code added to Mob:: Damage and CommonDamage that prevents aggro from being added if there is no caster or the caster is a bot, or the pet's owner. There is code put in for a client's pet, so similar code will need to be added for bots. Because this will need a lot more testing, I will want to resubmit the rest of the code. I will test it out by itself to make sure I'm not getting any more crashes.

Good news is I've had lots of practice with using my new defensive command. Once I add in the timers, I think this will be pretty nice.
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