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Old 01-02-2011, 05:55 AM
trevius's Avatar
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Well, I had another chance to look into this a bit further to find a way to do this that I think would be good enough to make it into the SVN and I think I found it!

I had a feeling that there may be some existing way to let aug pool windows work from inventory and was about to start experimenting with some ideas. First, I figured I would look into what it is that causes the different existing containers like Collapsible Spit to bring up a tradeskill window. The answer is simple; bagtype. So, I checked the wiki page here:

Under Bagtype there, it lists each type. One of them happens to be:

53 = Augmentation Sealer (for applying augments)
So, searching the DB for an item with that bagtype yielded this:

66180 - Augmentation Sealer

Checking that item out looks like it should be fairly simple to implement a fully functional aug pool that works from inventory.

I don't really have the time to work on the code for it, but I think implementing support for bagtype 53 to act as an aug pool in the inventory would be perfectly acceptable.

You won't need a rule for setting item ID of the item, just need to have it only work from bagtype 53 items.

Also, I don't think you really need to worry about doing things that aren't already done in the current aug pool code. Stuff like the extra lore conflict checking shouldn't be necessary. Though, since the existing aug pool code probably isn't perfect, I don't think some adjustments here and there would be bad if they make sense to do.

I am still a fairly novice to intermediate coder myself. I don't know how best to put it, but if I am finding issues with your code like the previous stuff, it concerns me a bit. So, if you do make another rewrite and submit it here, I will have to make sure I fully understand everything in it 100% before I will consider committing it. Otherwise, I may have to defer to one of the more experienced devs to commit it if it passes their inspection.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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