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Old 01-17-2011, 04:03 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by GeorgeS View Post
What I think is going on is the version of mysql that's doing this
I use version 5.1.x
All my PC's run Win7 64bit, and run them fine.
I guess the other tools work ok?

Also, the query that has Bronze in it has this query
SELECT name,id FROM items WHERE name LIKE "%Bronze%"

-- does this query run?

I just uploaded this version of mysql to the site a second ago.


Thanks for replying George.

My HeidiSQL has no issues running a query on server, in fact it has no issues at all.

It's just the EQITEMS tools that crashes. i went ahead and update MYSQL to the version you linked and cleaned the registry and re-registered all the OCX's and still crashes.
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