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Old 02-07-2011, 05:43 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 966

Originally Posted by Huppy View Post
Ya, just like joligario replied, you can login to mysql without using a space between -u and root, so its typed -uroot (just like that)
just had never actually tried to do it like that before, so had no idea.

Tried it with perl 5.12 and after changing a couple references to perl510 to perl512 in the vb project it compiled and seems to run well.

i'll tear it back down and put perl 5.10 in there, but just thought i'd try it.

Thanks for this consolidated information thread, it made this a LOT easier..

Trying to make sense of these SQL scripts hurts my head simply because there are so many minor issues with them. Just to get the server up, I just dumped all of the required ones into 1 sql file and told it to run and not stop on error. Wasn't too worried if something was not perfect since i'm gonna blow it back out anyway.
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