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Old 03-25-2011, 09:09 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Milky Way
Posts: 541

I'm not sure what your coding process is but if it involves writing the entire script and then seeing if it works, its probably not a good idea until you are more confident with the code and syntax.

I see many problems with this, such as:
if($i->GetNPCTypeID() == ($fippy || $tranixx)) {
Is not valid syntax.

quest::settimer("tmHT", 15);
Yet you have no timer event.

You also pass a string in the signal event and Im not sure if that works(Im too lazy to look) but since you are not using that to pass anything useful(like say the charID so you wouldnt need a charge event), just have it pass a number.

There is probably more but I just skimmed it. I've also had problems with scripts not running if I only use a single # to comment things.

The proper way to debug this script is to back it up and delete everything except one event, then add another, then another, etc. For large events, add them in small pieces until you are sure its going to work.
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