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Old 05-26-2011, 06:11 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 11


I uninstalled the ODBC I got on google and installed yours (I originally did install yours come to find out, and upon the problem I went to the other). I still get the same thing.

Question, I did figure out one error I had on my way to work after I first posted. I Have Everquest installed on a different drive, I named "Z" so tried changing my "everquest_folder=C:\EverQuest_titanium" to Z:\Everquest_titanium. I don't think that is the issue but figured I would throw it out there.

I should note also... Prior to me reinstalling the MySQL was not running (at least, I checked in the task manager under services), it is listed in there now!

**when running your test connection I still get failed, I need to use my MySQL user name and password there right? just making sure**
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