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Old 10-13-2011, 11:44 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 105
Default Scaling Nuker Mobs

I've tuned HP/AC/stats/wis/_int/maxdmg on the mobs down to 30% on my server, so even though my tanks are balanced nicely, I still have VS lifetapping for 1500 a shot.

Is there a way I can UPDATE npc_spells SET *dmgvariable* = *dmgvariable* x 0.5 where id > 1000; or something?

I'm having a hard time scaling down nukes and dots without going into each NPC to see what they cast, and then going to the spell database and lowering dmg one by one.

If this isnt wide scale fixable, I'll just add 100 resists to server charm or something, but I figured I'd ask first. Any ideas on best way to proceed? Thanks!
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