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Old 12-14-2011, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by PixelEngineer View Post
Thank you. I have reduced most of the Windows specific functionality and will eliminate the rest when I get around to it. A bit of code is taken from various other projects and the way they handled fragments was a bit all over the place. Consider my work on textures in 0x03.cpp, 0x04.cpp, 0x05.cpp, 0x30.cpp and 0x31.cpp for a sample of what most of fragment handling will look like as I rewrite.

If you see any glaring errors, submit some changes and I will of course get around to reviewing them. Also, if I understand correctly you're looking to make it Linux compatible? Let me know how I go about doing this/helping to do this.

This is very good! I've got a great idea for creating new content: Why not a 3DS Max exporter plugin? You could have it build WLD files from scenes, and I believe 3DS Max already supports animations. Not sure how it handles BMP files but it should be trivial.

SOE already uses 3ds max for their animation files afaik.
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