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Old 12-15-2011, 01:54 PM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 512

To answer your second question first, yes this is expected. Basically, when I added the fields, I had them default to 0, which, when you spawn the bot for the first time, it assumes your bot died and gives them rez effects. This should only happen the first time. Hopefully, this way, you can't delete, create, and spawn new bots for buffs. It kind of builds in a delete/create timer, as it takes a little while for the bot to regain its mana.

For the first question, I commented this out because 1) the default maxlevel is still 65 or 70, and 2) there seems to be an issue with spells after level 70 where either spells are missing, or they aren't associated with a spell scroll or some other reason that causes the scripts I created to fail. Some rank II or III spells aren't there, but the bigger issue is that for many (or most) of the spells have issues with the second level after 70 or 80. It repeats the lower level spells instead of the higher level ones. It's kind of confusing, but maybe I can give an actual example tonight when I get home. Just double check that you actually have the spell and that the right version is linked to a scroll or look up the spell id and put that in instead. If you run the higher level spells just check for spell ids of 0 in the npc spell entries table if the script actually runs.
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