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Old 01-17-2012, 02:57 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 80

Hey Null! Been a while man. I want to thank you again for all the work you've done on this editor.

I just recently came across an issue with assigning requirements to spells. For some reason the diety/dieties I select won't stick. I'm trying to create a diety restricted spell for the purpose of making custom spells for each class/diety mix. After I assign the diety, if I select the spell on the left side of the menu again, it shows a check mark for a diety other than the one I'm trying to assign.

Here's an example:

I select Yaulp, a level 1 Cleric spell, and assign it to Innoruuk. If I reselect the spell on the left side box again, it shows Quellious as checked instead of Inny. If I try to uncheck Quellious, then reselect the spell again on the left side, it still shows as checked. In order to clear that check mark from Quellious, I have to check Innoruuk, uncheck it, then reselect the spell to clear Quellious.

All I know is, that feature is functioning completely out of whack and I'm not sure why. Some help would be appreciated.


Check Innoruuk
Select spell
Quellious checked instead of Innoruuk
Select spell
Check Innoruuk
Uncheck Innoruuk
Select spell
Quellious deselected

The rest seem to be pretty much the same in that they don't select/deselect as they should.


Here's a quick edit to give a run down of what check selects what diety:

Bertoxxulos - works fine, selects and deselects no problem
Cazic Thule - selects Brell Serilis, check/uncheck Cazic Thule to deselect Brell Serilis
Bristlebane - selects Cazic Thule, check/uncheck Bristlebane to deselect Cazic Thule
Karana - selects Erollisi Marr, check/uncheck Karana to deselect Erollisi Marr
Prexus - selects Bristlebane, check/uncheck Prexus to deselect Bristlebane
Rallos Zek - selects Innoruuk, check/uncheck Rallos Zek to deselect Bristlebane
Solusek Ro - selects Karana, check/uncheck Solusek Ro to deselect Karana
Tunare - works fine, selects and deselects no problem
Brell Serilis - selects Mithaniel Marr, check/uncheck Brell Serilis to deselect Mithaniel Marr
Erollisi Marr - selects Prexus, check/uncheck Erollisi Marr to deselect Prexus
Innoruuk - selects Quellious, check/uncheck Quellious to deselect Quellious
Mithaniel Marr - selects Rallos Zek, check/uncheck Mithaniel Marr to deselect Rallos Zek
Quellious - selects Rodcet Nife, check/uncheck Quellious to deselect Rodcet Nife
Rodcet Nife - selects Solusek Ro, check/uncheck Rodcet Nife to deselect Solusek Ro
The Tribunal - works fine, selects and deselects no problem

Clearly there's an issue with the linkage of the selection boxes and the proper diety.

Here's an easier to read summary:


Cazic Thule > Brell Serilis
Bristlebane > Cazic Thule
Karana > Erollisi Marr
Prexus > Bristlebane
Rallos Zek > Innoruuk
Solusek Ro > Karana
Brell Serilis > Mithaniel Marr
Erollisi Marr > Prexus
Innoruuk > Quellious
Mithaniel Marr > Rallos Zek
Quellious > Rodcet Nife
Rodcet Nife > Solusek Ro


The Tribunal


Well, it seems through my testing you can cast a spell regardless of your class diety and whether or not you set it for a specific diety (just tested with a Gnome Cleric following Brell Serillis using a spell restricted to Innoruuk in the spell file), so I guess it's irrelevant in the end. The only way to limit a specific spell is on the scroll itself, from what I've seen, but it would still be nice to get that fixed if there is any reason for it existing outside of my tests.
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