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Old 03-05-2012, 03:12 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 126
Default Fullscreen/window mouse issue

Has anyone else had this issue? I'm running my fullscreen game at 1366x768. Sometmes I shrink to a window, which is set to run at 1280x720. Only problem is, when I'm running full screen, the cursor can only access the screen space between the bounds of a 1280x720 window, even though I'm not running in a window. So when I move the mouse to the screen edges, the cursor turns to a windows cursor and I can't access any buttons in the EQ screen. If I click anywhere there, I end up minimizing my window, cause it thinks I'm trying to go back to windows. The only way I can fix it somewhat is running a higher res window, but it still clicks me out sometimes.

Anyone had this issue?
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