Thread: Mercenaries
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:51 AM
trevius's Avatar
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Most of the data I have is related to what I already posted. Just the basic purchasing and usage packets and structs from Live. It sounds like you guys are a lot further along than I am lol. I only really worked on it for 1 day though. I didn't know anyone else was working on it. With your recent implementation of stances, I figured it would make it that much easier to add in a merc system.

I am a bit interested in the DB work you have done for them. I didn't think it would take hundreds of entries for it. I was figuring on 1 entry per merc subtype in a new merc table that just points to an NPC ID in the npc_types table. I haven't really played Live since 2005 until now (since it went free), so I am still really new to mercs. I guess there would be a lot of variations for merc races, and multiple types and subtypes.

I am not really too concerned with the DB entries, as I would probably just add somewhat customized entries anyway. I was more looking to get some basic functionality implemented that could be built upon. It sounds like you guys have already made it that far and are working on finishing stuff off.

I am no where near as skilled as Derision or you when it comes to that type of thing, so I will leave it up to the 2 of you

Maybe I can help you guys out if there is something you still need done. I am better with dissecting packets than I am with coding normally. I have quite a few characters in the 50 to 67 range, if there is something I can get with them that would be useful.

I can post the rest of the smaller structs later tonight (I still have to make them) if they would be useful. I also plan to write a script to help with opcode work a bit hopefully.

You should join the dev IRC channel. It might be easier to discuss and share info there. PM me if you don't know the channel name.
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