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Old 05-13-2012, 01:57 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Texas
Posts: 21

Originally Posted by Caryatis View Post
Neither of those are reasons to use the eqemuloginserver. There are 2 valid reasons for using it, if you only want to play offline on your LAN or you wish to set up a secondary login for when the public login is down. Both of those apply to a very small segment of the population.
Unfortunately this applies to me. I'm military and not all deployments have public internet access.

Despite that though. Before today I had only ever heard of Perl and Sql but following the guides with them was easy enough.

The problem with the guides is that every damn one of them references a version of Perl that is no longer available. I can understand the older guides doing this as they where written when 5.10 was new (2010) and available on the ActiveState site.

The only other place for confusion that I've encountered today was some of the EQ files that we download, the database, quest, and sever builds are different versions than when the guide was created. Resulting in portions of the guide to be inaccurate based on the current files.

Honestly I'm happy these guides even exist and the possibility is there. Had I found this all out sooner I'd like to think I would have contributed.

All that leads up to the burning question. With all the help and support you guys have been providing why isn't/aren't:

-Perl available to download with the database or server files?
-Why is this guide not in the Wiki where users can update the links and steps as the referenced files change?

There is like no end to people fumbling around with different versions of perl trying to get it to work and asking for help on the forums. Most of their Perl journeys probably went like mine has when I began my endeavor. I know this all seems like kid stuff to you now but consider if you've never heard of Perl and all you have is a link saying you need it to get what you want to work to work.

-Click link provided (thank you guide writer).
-Version listed on page isn't the problem find search bar
-Search site for$750!!!
-Search Google...Why has Google Failed me!
-Find Strawberry Perl....Oh I like Strawberries.
-Observer that every possible version but the one in the guide is available...On forums asking for help.

That's my Perl adventure. I tried using 5.12 with changing the .dll files to 5.10. I stopped receiving an error but it didn't actually work. That was the only work around I've found so far.

If I can find that elusive version of Perl I'll put it up on an FTP site for everyone or put up a standing offer to email it out on request.
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