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Old 05-29-2012, 02:25 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Madison
Posts: 26
Default NPC Loot Tools - Item ID/Names


So I've re-downloaded GeorgeS's tools and a new copy of the EQEmu (Making everything current) I've gotten everything working again. In the NPC Loot tool, when I edit loot tables, the Item Name displays the Item ID, and the Item ID is also the item ID. It appears the Item Name field just grabs the wrong field. Oddly enough, when I update an item in the table, the name field holds the name until I update the window, then it reverts to the Item ID.

Is this a known problem, or have I done something wrong? It doesn't break the program, but it makes it more difficult to use. Is there a simple fix or an expected new release?

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