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Old 08-16-2012, 09:04 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 59
Default Mob difficulty isnt scaling with character

Mobs in general don't behave like they should. They act as if they are the same level to you no matter what your level is. So say you are lvl 5 and the mob is lvl5. It should hit you like the chart I posted representing live and eqmac. Also that mob if its not undead it should flee at 12% or w/e it is. When the mob is GREEN to you, say you are lvl30 and the mob is lvl5. It should hit you, if it doesnt miss, for 1ish. very rarely does a green mob of that level difference actually hit you for more than that. And it should flee at 20ish% hp not 5 or 6 like they are currently.

My best example would be to take an averaged geared toon at lvl 30 into kurns tower on the first floor. At lvl 30 you should not get aggro from any of the skeletons, but you get aggro right away. Second, they should almost always hit you for 1 at lvl30. most of the time they are hitting you for the same as if you were lvl14.
Hits on eqmac

Hits on live

Hits on a 0.8.0 server

Does anyone know how to fix this?
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