Thread: New loot system
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Old 09-20-2012, 01:12 AM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
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ok i think I am getting a grasp of the new concept now.

From what I see if all item in the lootdrop have identical chance to drop, then it doesn't matter what % they are given as long as its equal.

In other words:
if mindrop 1, droplimit 1, multiplier 1

item1 10%
item2 10%
item3 10%
item4 10%
item5 10%
item6 10%
item7 10%
item8 10%
item9 10%
item0 10%

is equal to:

item1 66%
item2 66%
item3 66%
item4 66%
item5 66%
item6 66%
item7 66%
item8 66%
item9 66%
item0 66%

but next question arises about efficiency:

you said that the new code will "keep rolling" until it roll the needed value.
so if items all set to 10% and NONE fall within 10% on the first roll, the system has to roll again and again until one of them does. Of course the chance of that is small - but isn't it a strain on the system?
Theoretically the rolling can go on indefinitely, isn't it?

Another issue arises when more than 1 item suddenly satisfies drop parameters but with droplimit=1, how does system chooses which item drops if say all 10 have been rolled successfully?

Not to criticizing all the hard coding you put into it, but wasn't old system a bit simpler/faster? Since its only rolled once on the item list?
I know that the RND was bugged, and item order affected RND in a bad way, but wasn't fixing RND a more straight forward solution, than the a whole new approach?

Of course, I am not the person to judge the code on its performance, but just trying to think out loud and understand the reasoning beyond the rewamp
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