Thread: Mercenaries
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Old 10-12-2012, 07:26 AM
trevius's Avatar
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Here are the only struct differences for UF and SoD that I know so far based on the packets bad_captain and Derision were generating for each client:

// Used by MercenaryMerchantList_Struct
struct MercenaryListEntry_Struct {
/*0000*/	int32	MercID;				// ID unique to each type of mercenary (probably a DB id)
/*0004*/	int32	MercType;			// From dbstr_us.txt - Apprentice (330000100), Journeyman (330000200), Master (330000300)
/*0008*/	int32	MercSubType;		// From dbstr_us.txt - 330020105^23^Race: Guktan<br>Type: Healer<br>Confidence: High<br>Proficiency: Apprentice, Tier V...
/*0012*/	int32	PurchaseCost;		// Purchase Cost (in gold)
/*0016*/	int32	UpkeepCost;			// Upkeep Cost (in gold)
/*0020*/	int32	AltCurrencyCost;	// Alternate Currency Purchase Cost? (all seen costs show N/A Bayle Mark) - Seen 0
/*0024*/	int32	AltCurrencyUpkeep;	// Alternate Currency Upkeep Cost? (all seen costs show 1 Bayle Mark) - Seen 1
/*0028*/	int32	AltCurrencyType;	// Alternate Currency Type? - 19^17^Bayle Mark^0 - Seen 19
/*0032*/	int32	StanceCount;		// Iterations of MercenaryStance_Struct - Normally 2 to 4 seen
/*0036*/	sint32	TimeLeft;			// Unknown (always see -1 at merchant) - Seen 900000 (15 minutes in ms for newly hired merc)
/*0040*/	MercenaryStance_Struct Stances[2];	// Count Varies, but hard set to 2 for now - From dbstr_us.txt - 1^24^Passive^0, 2^24^Balanced^0, etc (1 to 9 as of April 2012)

// Used by MercenaryDataUpdate_Struct
struct MercenaryData_Struct {
/*0000*/	int32	MercID;				// ID unique to each type of mercenary (probably a DB id)
/*0004*/	int32	MercType;			// From dbstr_us.txt - Apprentice (330000100), Journeyman (330000200), Master (330000300)
/*0008*/	int32	MercSubType;		// From dbstr_us.txt - 330020105^23^Race: Guktan<br>Type: Healer<br>Confidence: High<br>Proficiency: Apprentice, Tier V...
/*0012*/	int32	PurchaseCost;		// Purchase Cost (in gold)
/*0016*/	int32	UpkeepCost;			// Upkeep Cost (in gold)
/*0020*/	int32	AltCurrencyCost;	// Alternate Currency Purchase Cost? (all seen costs show N/A Bayle Mark) - Seen 0
/*0024*/	int32	AltCurrencyUpkeep;	// Alternate Currency Upkeep Cost? (all seen costs show 1 Bayle Mark) - Seen 1
/*0028*/	int32	AltCurrencyType;	// Alternate Currency Type? - 19^17^Bayle Mark^0 - Seen 19
/*0032*/	int32	StanceCount;		// Iterations of MercenaryStance_Struct - Normally 2 to 4 seen
/*0036*/	sint32	TimeLeft;			// Unknown (always see -1 at merchant) - Seen 900000 (15 minutes in ms for newly hired merc)
/*0040*/	MercenaryStance_Struct Stances[2];	// Count Varies, but hard set to 2 for now - From dbstr_us.txt - 1^24^Passive^0, 2^24^Balanced^0, etc (1 to 9 as of April 2012)
/*0000*/	int32	MercUnk05;			// Seen 1 - Extra Merc Data field that differs from MercenaryListEntry_Struct
// MercUnk05 may be a field that is at the end of the packet only, even if multiple mercs are listed (haven't seen examples of multiple mercs owned at once)
// Used by MercenaryMerchantList_Struct
struct MercenaryListEntry_Struct {
/*0000*/	int32	MercID;				// ID unique to each type of mercenary (probably a DB id)
/*0004*/	int32	MercType;			// From dbstr_us.txt - Apprentice (330000100), Journeyman (330000200), Master (330000300)
/*0008*/	int32	MercSubType;		// From dbstr_us.txt - 330020105^23^Race: Guktan<br>Type: Healer<br>Confidence: High<br>Proficiency: Apprentice, Tier V...
/*0012*/	int32	PurchaseCost;		// Purchase Cost (in gold)
/*0016*/	int32	UpkeepCost;			// Upkeep Cost (in gold)
/*0020*/	int32	AltCurrencyCost;	// Alternate Currency Purchase Cost? (all seen costs show N/A Bayle Mark) - Seen 0
/*0024*/	int32	AltCurrencyUpkeep;	// Alternate Currency Upkeep Cost? (all seen costs show 1 Bayle Mark) - Seen 1
/*0028*/	int32	AltCurrencyType;	// Alternate Currency Type? - 19^17^Bayle Mark^0 - Seen 19
/*0032*/	int8	MercUnk01;			// Unknown (always see 0)
/*0033*/	sint32	TimeLeft;			// Unknown (always see -1 at merchant) - Seen 900000 (15 minutes in ms for newly hired merc)
/*0037*/	int32	MerchantSlot;		// Merchant Slot? Increments, but not always by 1 - May be for Merc Window Options (Seen 5, 36, 1 for active mercs)?
/*0041*/	int32	MercUnk02;			// Unknown (normally see 1, but sometimes 2 or 0)
/*0045*/	int32	StanceCount;		// Iterations of MercenaryStance_Struct - Normally 2 to 4 seen
/*0049*/	int32	MercUnk03;			// Unknown (always 0 at merchant) - Seen on active merc: 93 a4 03 77, b8 ed 2f 26, 88 d5 8b c3, and 93 a4 ad 77
/*0053*/	int8	MercUnk04;			// Seen 1 
/*0054*/	MercenaryStance_Struct Stances[2];	// Count Varies, but hard set to 2 for now - From dbstr_us.txt - 1^24^Passive^0, 2^24^Balanced^0, etc (1 to 9 as of April 2012)

// Used by MercenaryDataUpdate_Struct
struct MercenaryData_Struct {
/*0000*/	int32	MercID;				// ID unique to each type of mercenary (probably a DB id)
/*0004*/	int32	MercType;			// From dbstr_us.txt - Apprentice (330000100), Journeyman (330000200), Master (330000300)
/*0008*/	int32	MercSubType;		// From dbstr_us.txt - 330020105^23^Race: Guktan<br>Type: Healer<br>Confidence: High<br>Proficiency: Apprentice, Tier V...
/*0012*/	int32	PurchaseCost;		// Purchase Cost (in gold)
/*0016*/	int32	UpkeepCost;			// Upkeep Cost (in gold)
/*0020*/	int32	AltCurrencyCost;	// Alternate Currency Purchase Cost? (all seen costs show N/A Bayle Mark) - Seen 0
/*0024*/	int32	AltCurrencyUpkeep;	// Alternate Currency Upkeep Cost? (all seen costs show 1 Bayle Mark) - Seen 1
/*0028*/	int32	AltCurrencyType;	// Alternate Currency Type? - 19^17^Bayle Mark^0 - Seen 19
/*0032*/	int8	MercUnk01;			// Unknown (always see 0)
/*0033*/	sint32	TimeLeft;			// Unknown (always see -1 at merchant) - Seen 900000 (15 minutes in ms for newly hired merc)
/*0037*/	int32	MerchantSlot;		// Merchant Slot? Increments, but not always by 1 - May be for Merc Window Options (Seen 5, 36, 1 for active mercs)?
/*0041*/	int32	MercUnk02;			// Unknown (normally see 1, but sometimes 2 or 0)
/*0045*/	int32	StanceCount;		// Iterations of MercenaryStance_Struct - Normally 2 to 4 seen
/*0049*/	int32	MercUnk03;			// Unknown (always 0 at merchant) - Seen on active merc: 93 a4 03 77, b8 ed 2f 26, 88 d5 8b c3, and 93 a4 ad 77
/*0053*/	int8	MercUnk04;			// Seen 1 
/*0054*/	MercenaryStance_Struct Stances[2];	// Count Varies, but hard set to 2 for now - From dbstr_us.txt - 1^24^Passive^0, 2^24^Balanced^0, etc (1 to 9 as of April 2012)
/*0000*/	int32	MercUnk05;			// Seen 1 - Extra Merc Data field that differs from MercenaryListEntry_Struct
// MercUnk05 may be a field that is at the end of the packet only, even if multiple mercs are listed (haven't seen examples of multiple mercs owned at once)
My guess is that most of the smaller packets have not changed much if at all.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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