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Old 10-28-2012, 05:28 PM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dunge0nMastr View Post

To be completely honest im notsure how i would ahve vulak summon them, i suppose I could depop them where they are with signals then have them spawn on top of vulak


if ($combat_state == 1) {
quest::depopall(124077); #depop lady M

etc for each of the 6 dragons, then when they levae combat have them depop again and respawn at their proper spots.

Yeah depop and spawn is what I was thinking.
I am not sure if there is a way to instantly teleport an npc, like you can with players.

there is:
quest::moveto(x,y,z, [h, saveguardspot?]) - NPC moves to the set coordinates with Heading and saveguardspot being optional. NPC will path back unless saveguardspot is set to 1. Heading of -1 will use existing heading.

I never had chance to try it, but people tell me that it causes npc to WALK to the location, rather than to be instantly moved there.

Perhaps we could ask the Devs to create an insta-move command for the npcs? It could be useful in the future.
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