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Old 11-09-2012, 11:50 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 966

It was pretty clear to me that the OP can't do anything and I wasn't feeling nice, so I did not respond.

Originally Posted by wrichards123 View Post
I LOVE the AX-PHP editor and have been used to that but really want to use the PEQ database to run LDONs..
Having never used any of the repack stuff I have no idea what the AXClassic can do. I would assume from the name it is basically Trilogy.

If you want to go beyond the repack limitations, you need to build your own server from the source. It is not all that hard anymore thanks to Akkadius.
Go find Huppy's post (January 2011) about how to build a windows server. and then read Akkadius' new post about compiling. Take your time and read carefully before doing anything. Basically Substitute all the compiling and software installation from Huppy's post for what is in Akkadius' post. The rest of Huppy's post stands.

Re Navicat: It is no longer publicly available on their website but as noted previously a direct link is still active. Instead of getting used to a tool that is going away, look around the later posts in Huppy's thread for alternatives to Navicat.
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