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Old 11-11-2012, 05:39 PM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 49

Originally Posted by Maze_EQ View Post
Oh wow, over a week?

Possibly because people have other things to do than troll forums 24/7 trying to come up with slick comebacks?

Get a fucking life kid.

While you're at it, find something productive to do with your spare time.

I happened to come across this post because I just opened my laptop and hit refresh.

Shows you how pro I am.

I'll let Caryatis take the lead on this one, he'll be sure to rip you a new anal cavity.


Protip-Romney was the better choice..
I don't think I will see someone rage so hard for a server going green ever again. Lol

And why would Carystis have anything to say about this? He is not the one in a full force rage over the subject. Just seems to be you. Sure he is a troll but my concern was not with him, just you.

Out of anyone else, if you had your way Varylndria would never see the light of day the way you seem to speak of it. It's shit like this that pisses me off, yet you continue to rage. And it just baffels me to no end.

Care less about other server's and more about your own.
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