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Old 11-28-2012, 12:01 PM
ghanja's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Hershey, PA
Posts: 499

Originally Posted by Apoc.Index View Post
Yeah, nothing was working.. I just re built the DB again. I found that whe including a perl Folder, I had it as Perl and not perl, like it was in the directory. Im hopeing maybe that fixed it and with the fresh compile.

I also switched to a later version of perl and made sure it was 32bit, im running 64 bit. But It wasnt an issue before so, I must have made a mistake somewhere.

I just need to find it.
In my many reinstallations of EQEMU (box changes, experimentation, etc.) I found that installing Perl -after- MySQL, even if just an update to the Perl version would fubar things, likely due to botching the DBI module linkings, etc.

I can also tell you, that once or twice, I would forget to install the DBI and Stringy-IO.

I would uninstall MySQL completely, reboot. Install the Perl version you're wanting to go with (I'd go with the recommended versions), reboot. Install the DBI and Stringy-IO modules, reboot. Then reinstall MySQL and go from there.

The aforementioned out of order/updating version issues could be why you are experiencing issues. Also, there is the very first installation I ever did. I used a different version Perl on the compiling machine than the one on the machine running EQEmu. That 'broke' Perl as well, where even 'hails' were ignored.

*Edit: Holy necro reply. WTF. This showed up as new (complete with new post icon and all). Very sorry about this. Feel free to delete this post of mine.. damn :/
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