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Old 12-17-2012, 12:40 PM
c0ncrete's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 719

you could always have a task system set up to let the client see all of the available options for each item with variations.

the bows in the example above are all end results and not used to fashion other items. i'm not sure you intended to offer things that could be fashioned by players, assuming they could get the components via your task/exchange system where they would normally drop, but aren't assigned to loot tables yet in the latest database. eqtraders has them listed as silk, linen, hemp, and sinew.

including the variation name in the conditional statement and/or having a separate text prompt that lists the variants for the player to choose from if they request one of the items in question would help clear things up, but it'll make poor dremel have to remember even more stuff.
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