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Old 12-21-2012, 09:20 PM
Opcode Ninja
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: San francisco
Posts: 426

trying to make a statement on the opcode hint:
[12.21.12] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch RoF_world, and it did not match.
[12.21.12] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] opcode 0x11b6 did not match expected 0x1665
[12.21.12] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch RoF_zone, and it did not match.
[12.21.12] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x11b6 did not match expected 0x2154
[12.21.12] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch Live_world, and it did not match.
Just in case your still learning how to read opcodes
# world packets
# Required to reach Char Select:
OP_SendCharInfo=0x6a2              # 12/12/12 Corrected Opcode
OP_PostEnterWorld=0xc3d            # 12/12/12 Corrected Opcode

# Character Select Related:	

OP_SendMembership=0x3b2            # 12/12/12 Corrected Opcode 
OP_SendMaxCharacters=0x5349        # 12/12/12 Correct   Added Opcode 
OP_CharacterCreateRequest=0x006b   # 12/12/12 Corrected Opcode 
OP_RandomNameGenerator=0x4453	   # 12/12/12 Correct   Added Opcode
RoF Live Gold Dec 19, 2012
they have been posting opcodes like this since HoT-present
[Wed Dec 2012]00044:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x6be3 (27619).
[Wed Dec 2012]00045:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x336d (13165).
[Wed Dec 2012]00046:*** ERROR: WorldAuthenticate.  ??? UNKNOWN MESSAGE 

[Wed Dec 2012]00047:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x2d38 (11576).OP_GuildsList
[Wed Dec 2012]00048:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x19ab (6571).OP_LogServer
[Wed Dec 2012]00049:WorldRPServer message: server name xxxxxxxxxxx

[Wed Dec 2012]00050:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x7eed (32493).
[Wed Dec 2012]00051:Could not open file: RealEstateItemGroups.txt

[Wed Dec 2012]00052:Could not open file: RealEstateCosts.txt

[Wed Dec 2012]00053:Loaded RealEstateCosts.txt, 0 cost elements loaded.

[Wed Dec 2012]00054:Could not open file: RealEstateDefs.txt

[Wed Dec 2012]00055:Could not open file: RealEstateDefs.txt

[Wed Dec 2012]00056:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x7e47 (32327).OP_ApproveWorld
[Wed Dec 2012]00057:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x3b2 (946).OP_SendMembership
[Wed Dec 2012]00058:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0xb1f (2847).OP_WelcomeScreenTitle
[Wed Dec 2012]00059:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x7e19 (32281).OP_WelcomeScreenURL
[Wed Dec 2012]00060:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x57c3 (22467).OP_EnterWorld
[Wed Dec 2012]00061:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x5349 (21321).OP_SendMaxCharacters
[Wed Dec 2012]00062:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x711a (28954).OP_ExpansionInfo
[Wed Dec 2012]00063:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0x6a2 (1698).OP_SendCharInfo
[Wed Dec 2012]00064:Check 1x. 0x3fe2799d

[Wed Dec 2012]00065:Check 1sa. 0x7b420f48

[Wed Dec 2012]00066:Check 1sa. 0xa01d29ed

[Wed Dec 2012]00067:WorldAuthenticate.  I got a message of type 0xc3d (3133).OP_PostEnterWorld
[Wed Dec 2012]00068:WorldAuthenticate.  Access granted.
I use a program called mapconvert.sql to get newer mapfiles for eqemu
sincerely your Dark Knight 80)
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