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Old 12-29-2012, 10:13 PM
Tabasco's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 270

A lot has happened in the past few months.

We've tagged hundreds of new bosses, which are now identified with a tag indicating their approximate difficulty.

A number of convenience commands have been added for players. Type !help in game for a complete list. Members of the Adventurer's Guild can use commands like !banker and !merchant, and commands like !scribespells and !traindiscs are available to all.

There is an achievement framework in place for additional rewards as you accumulate kills and waypoints. Several other achievement types are planned.

Augs now have a chance to drop off of bosses of any level. They are rare but can be extremely powerful. Some augs have click effects which work while slotted. Basic augs scale with boss level, but spell gems scale with player level.
(See: )

Travel is done through soulbinders and discovered waypoints.
( )

Numerous tradeskill types have been buffed. There's still a bit of a gap in the middle but lower and higher end tradeskills will be much better than before.
We also have new fletching recipes for arrows with proc effects.
(Thanks to Nenelan for the tradeskill work!)

Levels over 50 are done by quest. At this point we're up to 54 with more to come. AA level requirements have been reduced so AA's up to about 66 are available at this point.

We're slowly adding new camps around the world for better leveling progression and access to boss and named mobs.
The idea is to add flavor to the old world and then start adding custom branches. Some of this is already in place, but it's not nearly as thorough as we would like.

There is an auction house available on the website that can link your login account to a Dungeon Crawl forum account and allow you to buy and sell without being logged into the game. The process is secure and only requires that a forum account be set up on the website. From there you initiate a request and then confirm it in-game.
Auction house representatives will take items and coin and you can redeem items, iventory, and money at any time.
It uses in-game currency only.

We have a number of regular players who would love to see some new faces and start cracking harder raids, so stop in and give it a try.
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