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Old 01-11-2013, 06:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: UK
Posts: 1,540

This is an EQEmuLoginServer log from a successful login with RoF:
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:10] New SoD client connection from
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:10] Application packet recieved from client (size 14)
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:10] Session ready recieved from client.
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:10] Session ready indicated logged in from world(unsupported feature), disconnecting.
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] New SoD client connection from
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] Application packet recieved from client (size 14)
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] Session ready recieved from client.
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] Application packet recieved from client (size 36)
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] Login recieved from client.
[Client] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] User: Baalinor
[Client] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] Hash: fd7474b1ab4ec8c2e4cb102992c7867aa42387e4
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] Application packet recieved from client (size 12)
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:15] Server list request recieved from client.
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] Application packet recieved from client (size 16)
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] Play recieved from client, server number 2 sequence 5.
[Network Trace] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] User-To-World Response recieved.
[Client] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] Trying to find client with user id of 2.
[Client] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] Found client with user id of 2 and account name of Baalinor.
[Client] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] Found sequence and play of 5 2
[Network Trace] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] dumping packet of size 20
05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
02 00 00 00                                        | ....
[Network Trace] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] Sending play response with following data, allowed 1, sequence 5, server number 2, message 101
[Network Trace] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] dumping packet of size 20
05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 01 65 00 00 00 00  | ...........e....
02 00 00 00                                        | ....
[Network Trace] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] Sending play response for Baalinor.
[Network Trace] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] dumping packet of size 20
05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 01 65 00 00 00 00  | ...........e....
02 00 00 00                                        | ....
[Network] [01.11.13 - 22:38:16] Client disconnected from the server, removing client.
If you are getting to the login server but failing to get to character select, you might find further info in the other logs, i.e. one of the *world*.log files detailing why it is failing.
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