Thread: D2 Loot Issue
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Old 02-02-2013, 08:52 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 178
Default D2 Loot Issue

So D2 was working great from the last update. I had the whole server's spawns changed up. One day I boot the server and I notice all the drops are pretty much back to normal, or maybe just not what it used to be after I ran the tool. So I open D2 and show the stats. it shows a massive amount of changes across the board, pretty much telling me its working (But its not). Now, When I delete all the entries, says its deleting them, until I get to 59-99 and 65-99 and that doesnt work at all. It comes back with a runtime error 9 saying Script out of Range . Is there a way to delete all the entries (from some other way than within the tool) and start fresh?
U.S. Navy - Retired
17 Year EQ Veteran
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