Thread: Some git stuff
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Old 02-18-2013, 12:30 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 45

Some Additional Pointers after spending a little bit of time trying to figure out the Git stuff:

1) Download Git Client:
a. The only thing you may want to change in the installation is the context menu. I set mine to not install a context menu because I intended to use TortoiseGit instead (Steps below)

2) Download TortoiseGit:
a. Nothing fancy to do here, just simply go through the installation steps.
3) Accessing EQEmu Source:
a. Make a new folder wherever you want the source to be save to.
b. Right click on that folder and you should now have TortioseGit options.
c. Select Git Clone...

d. Type in the EQEmu Source Github address (seen in the picture)

e. Click Ok and it will pull the source.
3) How to update to latest revision (How to Pull):
a. Right click on Server Folder and go to Git Sync.
b. On the far left side of screen you will see a button that says Pull with a drop down menu. Click on the Pull button and it will update your code to the latest version.

4) How to Commit changes (How to Push):
a. You need to have access granted as a developer to commit changes.
b. Right click on the Server Folder and go to Git Sync.
c. In the middle of the screen you will see a button that says Push with a drop down menu. Click on the Push button and it will push your changes to the source.
**Note** I'm not 100% sure on the Push/Pull commands. It seems to be how they work, but I've never used Git before so this is all kind of new to me and I haven't had a chance to test it out yet.

Hope it helps alleviate some confusion that anyone may be having with the migration to GitHub.

- Vaion
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