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Old 03-15-2013, 12:21 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 216

Originally Posted by Leetsauce View Post
Planes of Power content: All is complete with the exception of the Quarm encounter in which he will ONLY spawn for me with 1 head and have the appropriate loot table(i've copied the loot tables to every npctype of Quarm and still I get the same result. I've rewritten the quest multiple times to no avail, so I gave up and people will just have to deal with a single-headed Quarmdragon! =p Fabled loot applies to PoP as well.
I might be confused (this is about the number of heads on the model, right?) but I believe Quarm's number of heads depends on his helmtexture value.

As far as the database thing, I was going to say that it would be very possible to migrate stuff (shuffling data from point A to point B is what databases are for in the first place, after all) but then I got to wondering: how is that related to your server being Titanium-only in the first place? Are you using a years-old version of the EQEmu source? Because otherwise, the client doesn't really interact with the database in any version-specific way. The database faces the server; whenever some database info is needed for a client, the server gets the info, puts it into a packet (making any version-specific translations) and sends it off. The structure of the database doesn't matter to the client at all as long as the correct bytes are put into the packets. That's why Titanium clients can still connect to servers that support the latest clients.

Unless there's some other issue that escapes me at the moment (possible), in which case nevermind. If I am totally wrong, more info please! I'm sure whatever it is would be fixable.
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