Thread: Pets and AC
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Old 03-21-2013, 10:49 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 70
Default Pets and AC

Do pets actually use the AC value in database?

I ask this because i had tested a level 60 pet who at first had roughly 1300 ac against a flame lord (level 64) and in parsing i noticed that over 75% of hits were max hit.

I then doubled the AC to 3000 and ran the same test with exactly the same results leading me to believe that AC either it is not working for pets, or i am misunderstanding something.

Do pets use the Mob::MeleeMitigation function in attack.cpp or is there someplace else i am missing? I was looking at this chunk of it..

else if(IsNPC())
			armor = spellbonuses.AC + itembonuses.AC + (CastToNPC()->GetRawAC() / RuleR(Combat, NPCACFactor)) + 1;
So it seems to pull raw ac value from database then divide by 2.25(rule value, no idea why they divide this).

Anyhow, anyone have a clue what i am missing here or someplace i can look to get pet AC working? Thanks!
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