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Old 03-23-2013, 02:20 AM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: MN
Posts: 2,072

Item Editor:

I've spent about 3 hours reworking grouping code for the Item Editor so that visually a developer can easily identify with section groupings and quickly edit the fields they find relevant. Because the entire editor is built on array iterations (literally all aspects) it made it a little bit more difficult to add selective grouping for fields but now that it is in place it is easy to move the format into other display methods.

All merely visual changes. Yeah it's small but I launched the BETA with default array iterations and all of the fields were clumped together and didn't make much sense beyond some of the sub sections.

Next Additions:
- Copy Button - Similar to that of Georges tools
- Statistic range scaling - Scale statistic ranges based on a min - max
- Entire item scaling - Give three criterion (Level, Class type [leather/cloth/chain/silk], Content Type [Solo/Group/Raid]) and it will spit back out AJAX automatically suggesting and changing fields automatically to scale an item to ideal and mathematically calculated statistics before tweaking.

I'm not opposed to any suggestions regarding the tool as I've not really treated it as finished but is still yet very functional and useful for anyone looking to create items easier.

Some pictures of changes just so people have something to look at, apparently my print screens turned out big as hell. I don't care right now so you can deal with it or log into EoC yourself.

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