Thread: Lost account
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Old 04-05-2013, 10:45 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 6
Default Highjacked account

I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done, but last summer when a good friend of mine (who was also our guild leader) died, I went on a long break.

The other guild leader kept pestering me for the info to my account because our guild needed a main tank, so I changed the information how he told me to, then gave it to him. He led me to believe that you had to change both the info in EQEMU and the login server to give somebody access to your account.

It turns out the guy changed the password on me, and I have been spending the past few weeks trying to figure out a way to get into it, including sending him texts that he's ignoring. He also never logs in anymore. Moreover, at least four other people from a guild have access to the login information. He also disbanded the guild I intended my character to be tanking for, and joined a large one instead.

I just realized the reason I can't recover the information from my account is because the email must also have been changed, and therefore the original email to the account does not work. I was figuring for the past few weeks that the reset system must be broken. I didn't think this could be done with the information I gave him.

Is there anything that can be done? Everything on the account should match me, the original IPs, the birthday, I have access to the original email, and in fact, I even have the original activation email in my inbox. There's also a few other emails from EQemu, like resetting a password.

I have not included here the name of the account, but I use it for a login on many many different sites. I can send it to someone in a PM.

Thank you.
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