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Old 04-20-2013, 10:22 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 188

The spell table isn't designed with effect__base_value_# being linked to a spell effect. There are hundreds of effects but only 12 slots.

Warriors using defensive discs will certainly appreciate your update

You want something more like this (not tested);
UPDATE spells_new 
set effect_base_value1 = effect_base_value1 * 2, 
max1 = max1 * 2 
effect_base_value1 < 0 and 
effectid1 = [Spell ID to modify] and
(classes1 < 254 or classes2 < 254 or classes3 < 254 or classes4..(etc)....or classes16 <254);
Repeat for each of the 12 slots. Note that putting [spell id to modify] in the query will prompt you to specify a value to match against effectid1. In your case you'd enter the value for DD spells.
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