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Old 04-26-2013, 06:10 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: California
Posts: 16

The most viable solution I can think of, would be to utilize the Shroud system as a mentoring system. High lvl players have the option of going into Shroud form, which is basically turning your character into a mob. Anyway, have a fraction of the xp earned whilst in Shroud form convert to AA xp for the normal character. Further, have no-trade/no-drop tokens drop randomly from low lvl content, perhaps <lvl50 or whatever based on your lvl cap. Limiting them to nameds would be ideal.

Those tokens would then be exchanged for lvl-req'd gear off some sort of vendor. Alternatively, you could have one or more of the modern currencies drop, instead of tokens, to make the exchange bit easier.

Players must have an incentive to group with lower-lvl players, and yet not have their higher-lvl gear and abilities to steam-roll the content. This system would allow for tight control of "mentoring" character power, instead of more common algorithmic gear power reduction systems which never seem to work properly.

Aside from combat suggestions, I'd have to agree with others here and say, NO port-hub zones! That ruins world utilization and will make new players feel alone. Imo, it also "cheapens" the feel of a server.
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