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Old 05-12-2013, 11:08 PM
Drakiyth's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 549

Thank you very much, Mario. This is round 2 in my opinion. The old Varlyndria was my very first server
and now that I have learned a lot more about sql and perl and have had a plethora of help it's time to
show what I really want to do with the Varlyndrian world.

Here are some examples of the system I am using for all 64 paths in Varlyndria: Ascension. I am doing
what I can to make them flavorful and unique from each other, and I strive to bring all of my players
something they can get into that fits their personality. Variety is the spice of life. These paths below
are tested well and ready to go for launch. Check out our website for much more info on other paths
and the server.

NOTE: Pets and Temporary Pets are now scripted (over 160 pets) to scale with their master's charisma.
This includes their spell damage as well.

Varlyndria: Ascension currently does not have an ETA on release. It's done when it's done, as Blizzard Entertainment would say.

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