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Old 06-10-2013, 04:37 PM
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Shin Noir
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 505

I don't like being a naysayer, but I'm not sure it's worth the investment time is the largest challenge. It would definitely be a faster production to develop EQ with modern tools compared to development of original EQ, but it would need a lot of time and dedication between many experienced developers (who likely work full time engineering cool stuff for cool amounts of money) to get the ball really rolling.

But if you can make it happen, more power to you.

I think a smarter use of time is developing the PEQ/EQemu source, as it is in a very playable state with great contributions but always available for more development and refinement.

Imagine if we could do edits to the EQ client executable? Things like custom handshakes for network traffic, SSL encryption, improving range of valid numbers to display on client (beyond caps), etc.. the last I checked EQEMU intentionally avoids the client executable to try to stay as legal as possible, but even still, this is what I'd like to see to allow emu servers more capability.

~Shin Noir
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