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Old 06-15-2013, 03:15 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: 2131231231
Posts: 255

Thank you for clarifying that. I was noticing that the more I zoned back and forth. Its still not working properly for me but im widdling away. will post an update later. I think im getting close tho lol *hopes*

Thank you for all the help guys!

edit: As Uleat stated if you change pvp states and you zone. The qglobal doesn't get saved that you changed to a new state and then it will call the previous state from the last zone. That's my issue atm. So if your pvpoff and talk to npc and say pvpon, then zone, it just loads the global from the zone and your not pvp anymore.

Can you set a global in ENTERZONE and ZONE with the same name and it just auto overwrites? Like so when you ENTERZONE and sets value 1 pvpstate then you ZONE and make another global named pvpstate and just overwrites the previous to record a state change between ENTERZONE and ZONE? Or does it need to be deleted and refreshed per sub?
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