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Old 06-22-2013, 12:07 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: San Diego
Posts: 13
Default What I've been looking for.

Hey guys, There are many servers on here that I love but I have been running into trouble with one thing. I want a server that is like live, but with bots enabled. I know some people use Macroquest but I honestly don't understand it very well and my ol' laptop doesn't like too many games playing at once.

Does anyone know of any servers like this that I may have missed?

I have tried ZippZipp's, and it's a great server and I love the progression but they lack LDoNs and that is the one thing I am looking for. Also Varlyndria, An AMAZING server, but it's so far from the classic (Improved) that I don't FEEL the old EQ.

I might learn how to host my own server and play on privately until I can some day host it publicly, because there has to be other players in my boat. Or maybe not.

Thanks for your time/input!

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