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Old 07-18-2013, 10:38 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 143

Ive had problems with this plugin myself. Mainly when I create a new quest folder for a zone that doesn't already have a folder created. I can zone into Crescent Reach and see the script working correctly on the bears, snakes, spiders etc from the original PEQ quests directly from the SVN. However when I copy the exact same script and move it into a newly created folder for say Elddar Forest, the plugin does not work even though it is working in Crescent Reach.

Other scripts work correctly in the newly created elddar folder, even other plugins, but not the randomroam for some strange reason. Even scripts from the global_player and global_npc work in the zone, just not this particular plugin, yet the plugin does work in other default zone folders that come with the SVN. Hopefully this narrows down the problem.
Wrath - Lead Admin and Owner of Enlightened Dark: Ascension

Enlightened Dark: Ascension
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