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Old 08-02-2013, 05:25 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by zerjz3
This server is not intended to be a solo "do everything by yourself without interacting with other players" server nor is it intended to be played with everyone 6-boxing. Boxing is allowed but should not be required. This server is being designed around a playerbase that socializes and groups together, forms guilds, forms friendships and alliances and helps each other out. This server is not being designed for 1 person to be able to complete all of the content alone. I understand that it may be difficult to find groups sometimes with the current low number of players, but I am confident enough in my design and ideas that the base will grow over time. During beta it may become frustrating sometimes to not be able to find groups, but I will not be adjusting the difficulty level based on that. This is not your typical emu server and I am proud of that.
I like your attitude and your server so far.

Here is my review:

XP: Awful. The rates are so bad and the death penalty is so steep that you better box a cleric to pull around with you for the rez. It isn't a 96% rez, but dying is pretty much like wasting 45 minutes of grinding. I understand you want a difficult server and you don't want people to play the normal "solo grind to max in 3 hours and all box war/clr/random dps" and win everything but the way the server is set are inviting people to box their own groups. There aren't multiple groups running around at all hours of the day. There aren't multiple xp zones being camped at the same time. You either box a group and do the content yourself or you wait for others to log on. You say you won't adjust the difficulty and that is fine, but don't expect this server to boom if you are forced into boxing a group because the population is low and it takes you 5 days played(or more) to hit lvl 37.

Itemization: Amazing. The stats stats are a little weird. I find most stuff is full of CHA or STA. The clicks are mainly illusions or small buffs. The models - all A+. I haven't found a shield yet. I pretty much have only seen cloth/plate. 2handed weapons seem to never show up either. Everyone has the same 1hb equipped.

General content: All top notch. I love the progression I have done so far. The quests are great, the lore is on par with what I would want from a mainstream mmo. I can't do anything early morning because nobody else is on so I pretty much don't log in. I can't solo anything and my damage is so bad that even farming green con nameds is a pain in the ass. I also don't box and have no intention on spending another 2 days grinding my shaman, bard, ranger, and rogue so I can kill in Unrest at 5am.

I play a paladin at the moment. I have no tools that aid me in groups. I have 1 stun and a blind for aggro. My heal is garbage. I have no group heal, I have no HoT, I have still have Yaulp, my damage at lvl 26 with the 1hb quested from Unrest is doing more than my lvl 16 necro, but not really by a lot. Knowing that the server cuts off at 50, I won't have access to any defensive AA's, any slay undead AA's, any combat abilities, or any group utility spells such as Brells or group heals/hots. I guess I will be doing what pallies in classic did: casting rez on dead group members and blinding/rooting adds for CC. Doesn't bother me. I like my class and I understood completely what I was going to deal with upon creation. Just kind've odd to be worthless outside of like three spells.

The difficulty is where it should be for the big named mobs. They are fun, they aren't tank n spank, they require a group. I like that. I guess it comes down to: XP rates being horrible and the fact that I am almost level 26 and I am still using most of the gear I got between lvl's 10-14. My 2hander (dropped from Najena at lvl eighteen) is less efficient than my 1hander (dropped from Erudin at lvl thirteen) and I haven't found a shield to bash. And you pretty much have to box. That is the bottom line to it. You need to box to grind your way to 25 when you can group with the higher level crowd. And even at that point, don't ditch the boxes because you'll find yourself shit out of luck when nobody is on and you want to kill stuff or xp.

I like the server and will continue to play - I just hope some minor tweaks could be made to not require me to 6box.
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