Thread: Using lua?
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Old 08-17-2013, 06:27 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 435

Originally Posted by Irreverent View Post
Its been awhile since I've done an update, noticed on my quest update a ton of quests going from perl to lua.

I tried to search the forums for a guide of if/what we need to do.

Do I need to download anything new? Do I need to change anything?

I did notice a new checkbox in CMAKE for perl and lua...I checked both? Seemed to compile fine. But, do I need an API to download or something? I noticed somewhere there said something of 5.1 vs. 5.2. If so, do we need Rel 1, Rel 2? Does it matter?

Didn't see anything in the news either.
Also if you want to keep the perl quests you can svn checkout to r1220 which I believe was the last revision before they started changing quests over to lua. Assuming you use or need the quests in question as .pl and not .lua

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