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Old 09-04-2013, 04:36 AM
Drakiyth's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 549

Originally Posted by knowom View Post

Stress can make you behave erratically sometimes, but I don't believe Akkadius deserved any of this from the sounds of it. You honestly opened up a can of worms by letting it get to you in the first place regardless of Akkadius did something to directly try to irritate you by admitting it.

People are far more inclined and likely to lightly jokingly or harshly intentionally spitefully mock your server and forum name now than they were before. You unintentionally invited unwanted attention upon yourself. It's kind of sad, but it's the truth you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

Word of advice don't burning bridges you might need cross in the future or you might just be making things harder on yourself and be in for a rude awakening and everything that glistens is not gold. I don't think you need to give up on your server, but you probably want to re-access your approach to it if there is too much unwarranted stress right now to deal with surrounding and tied to it all.

He absolutely DID NOT deserve that. I've already apologized for everything that happened to him over personal text, these forums and everything else. I made a mistake. There is nothing else I can do but just hope people can understand that and move on. I am not a villain or bad-guy. I was just irrational from an ass-load of stress and took it out on Akkadius unfairly because of his success. I let my ego get the best of me and lost all sense of the word "Humble". I've learned to just accept things and to stop with the bullshit rising to the top and trying to be the best.

It's all about who can be the most humble wins in this world not who has the most players or who can be the biggest douchebag (which I was in this case).. I wish I could do even half of what he can. He's a marvel of emu. I should of just looked up to him instead of get down on him. He has helped me more than you can imagine and is a wonderful human being.

With that said, can we please get this mess cleaned up so people don't have to see 5 posts of Varlyndria? I want to see other servers in those threads. Not mine.. I have a lot of work to do on mine and I need to shape it up but that also requires players still having some kind of faith in me. I don't even want to post on here anymore until I know for sure it's going to be a humble one that has a big update with well thought-out changes, and even then, I will hardly post in that thread. I'm done with the lime-light stuff. I don't want to be there anymore but I want players to know the server exists and I am trying hard to keep it alive.

I'm sorry once again for everything.
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