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Old 12-27-2013, 05:36 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 297
Default Issues setting up a Windows server


I am having problems getting my server going. I am, by no means, an expert. I have been using this guide,, and realize it's outdated and have made some adjustments concerning the database. I also used information from this wiki:

I start it up with a batch file..

@echo off
start world.exe
echo waiting for the world to finish before starting zone...
ping -n 10 > nul
start queryserv.exe
start ucs.exe
start eqlaunch.exe zone

I get this log...


[12.27. - 15:30:43] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_error_world_5824.log
[12.27. - 15:30:43] Error Loading Items: EQEmu Exception (Shared Memory) in ..\..\common\memory_mapped_file.cpp at line (112): Could not open the file to find the existing file size.
[12.27. - 15:30:43] Error in AdventureManager:::LoadAdventures: SELECT id, zone, zone_version, is_hard, min_level, max_level, type, type_data, type_count, assa_x, assa_y, assa_z, assa_h, text, duration, zone_in_time, win_points, lose_points, theme, zone_in_zone_id, zone_in_x, zone_in_y, zone_in_object_id, dest_x, dest_y, dest_z, dest_h, graveyard_zone_id, graveyard_x, graveyard_y, graveyard_z, graveyard_radius FROM adventure_template (#1146: Table 'peq.adventure_template' doesn't exist)
[12.27. - 15:30:43] Error in AdventureManager:::LoadAdventureEntries: SELECT id, template_id FROM adventure_template_entry (#1146: Table 'peq.adventure_template_entry' doesn't exist)

plus many of these logs, all the same...


[12.27. - 15:30:59] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_error_zone_2072.log
[12.27. - 15:30:59] Error Loading Items: EQEmu Exception (Shared Memory) in ..\..\common\memory_mapped_file.cpp at line (112): Could not open the file to find the existing file size.
[12.27. - 15:30:59] Error Loading npc factions: EQEmu Exception (Shared Memory) in ..\..\common\memory_mapped_file.cpp at line (112): Could not open the file to find the existing file size.

Basically, everything is an error. I'm very green when it comes to this stuff although I have searched as much as my sanity would allow to rectify this on my own.

I would like some help.

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